Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Monday

Up and at em nice and was just a productive but tired day at the gym, my hamstrings were sore and my hip flexor is still injured:( Cannon and I did about 65 min of carido while doing this I rock out to the i pod and watch food network and then weights until I pooped out. He had us doing: 3 sets of 12 reps of decline fly's- in a lunge stance and we super set one legged squats with bicep curls again 3 sets with 12-15 reps. Burn for the 1.5 hours was around 755.

This Afternoon we went to NW23rd for a lovely walk and relaxing shopping trip. Making sure we stopped at moonstruck for some extra dark chocolate. When we got back I was ready for lunch and a nap, but we turned on the movie Unthinkable and forget about that whole nap thing...and it was a weird weird movie.

For dinner we had Tofu Veggie stir-fry (cabbage, zucchini,celery,mushrooms,onion and garlic) with quinoa and it was pretty spicy. We had gone to Winco and got the red chili paste and ohhhhh baby hot hot, but good. I forgot my sugar free jello for my dessert but I will live. Now off to watch Criminal Minds and be lazy, my fav part of the day.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

rain rain rain

So after the nap I decided to create a cupcake for fathers day, my dad passed a few years ago so today is always kind of weird but in honor of him I made something sweet! Chocolate chip brownie cupcakes....and oh boy they were wonderful (says the family I did not have them).

Then Cannon and I went for a drive around the town to show him around Vancouver and what it has to offer. When we got home I started dinner. I made a chicken type of dish with curry, green chilies, a small amount of coconut light milk, soy sauce, onion, and garlic. Then put it over a mound of raw zucchini pasta. On the side there was new potatoes, Cannon was reading about how new potatoes are lower on the GI and GI load list then sweet potatoes(we are huge fans of these) but we wanted to give them a try and it was well worth it! Give them a it is movie time and RELAX!

Sunday a new day.

Happy Sunday! So this morning Cannon(the bf) and I went to the gym I took core central and part of a step class and Cannon ran, really unmotivated day for the both of us as we had little to no sleep:( But we went and got a good burn which is better then none. Stopped and picked up a few things for breakfast and came home to create a successful meal. Apple and almond butter on flat out light wraps....DELISH! This tasted like apple pie...with no sugar! Then we crashed on the couch watching Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. Zzz

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Blog Index |

Blog Index

My first post!

Here I go....My very first post! Starting a blog is something that I have wanted to do over the past year. I began reading fitness and food blogs that are started and maintained by some great gals that seem to be a lot like myself. Fitness and food are my life, I aspire to eat clean (oh about 90%of the time) work out, have a little fun, while working and going to school. I hope to start this and continue with it as it is something that I believe will be a great thing. Recently, like last week my boyfriend and I moved from Orlando, Fl back home to my mom and step-dad in Vancouver, WA. All I have to say is this is going to be quite the adventure...growing up and maintaining sanity! More about what I started this blog for to come....FITNESS AND FOOD!!!
